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- ++ Change Log
- Feb. 26, 2007 (1.9beta2)
- * Configurable shortcuts for showing of editor/preview,
- switching between them
- * Menu item, shortcut and toolbar icon to switch between
- editor and preview (icon made by Zoltan)
- * Support for middle mouse button and context menu to open
- a word in a new tab. Works for editor, internal preview,
- tree and wiki-wide search. Middle mouse button configurable
- to open tab in fore- or background
- (see OptionsDialog#*Middle# button# without# CTRL* )
- * Buttons in "Open Wiki Word" dialog to open word in new
- tab (fore-/background)
- * Activation of [:page: ...] insertion like normal links
- * Option to set default destination directory for export
- operations (see OptionsDialog#*Default# export# dir.* )
- * Slightly better support for URLs in UTF-8 percent encoding,
- also creates such URLs now. Some URLs from older versions
- of WikidPad may not work any longer.
- * Mouse cursor no longer changes to a hand if Ctrl is pressed
- in editor and cursor is over a link (but works as before).
- * Filter to remove double clipboard pastes when using the
- clipboard catcher with certain applications (e.g. Adobe Reader)
- * Bug fixed: Creation of new wiki failed if no wiki was
- currently loaded
- * Bug fixed: Bad handling of wikiword links with non-ascii
- characters in IE/Mozilla preview
- * Bug fixed: Bad drag and drop support for tree items
- * Bug fixed: Connection lines in tree not visible when using
- anything else than Win 2K/XP
- * Bug fixed: Saving of files didn't work sometimes; when
- closing WikidPad a message "This operation requires an
- open database" appeared under some circumstances.
- * Bug fixed: PyDeadObjectError sometimes when closing WikidPad
- * Bug "reduced": Instant wiki-wide search result window pops up
- always on primary monitor in dual monitor systems.
- * Bug fixed: getWikiWordsStartingWith(..., includeAliases=False)
- failed for Original Sqlite (only needed for plugins)
- Jan. 28, 2007 (1.9beta1, repository revision in "mbutscher" branch: 103)
- * Userinterface change, no more tabs for edit and preview,
- but an arbitrary number of tabs for wiki pages, switching
- between edit and preview by icons in toolbar or shortcuts
- * Shortcut and menu item to open a selected wikiword in a
- new tab
- * New tree control which behaves and looks very similar (but
- not identically) to the native one.
- * Option to set text cursor color.
- See OptionsDialog#*Text# cursor# color*
- * Option to set selection foreground color.
- See OptionsDialog#*Selection# fg.# color*
- * More clear error message if no write access when closing wiki
- * Patch to find sqlite3 library on Linux
- * Bug fixed: Functional pages inside "modified-within" node
- * Bug fixed: Non-existing pages found by search if page was
- in cache yet
- * Bug fixed: Possible crash when searching non-existing pages
- in cache
- * Bug fixed: Change of text color didn't affect some styles
- (bold, headings, todo)
- * Bug fixed: Link to page with spaces in name didn't work
- with IE as preview
- * Bug fixed: Masses of superfluous tree nodes when updating
- tree on Linux
- * Bug fixed: Integer division (e.g. 5/3) gave integer result
- (e.g. 1) on expression evaluation
- * Bug (hopefully) fixed: Temporarily generated images not shown
- in IE 7 preview
- Dec. 27, 2006 (1.8beta6, repository revision in "mbutscher" branch: 100)
- * "toc" insertion for a page-wide table of contents (with
- appropriate settings in the CSS-file(s)). See [Insertions].
- * "noerror" appendix for insertions for external graphical apps
- (except MimeTeX) to ignore warning/error messages.
- See ExternalGraphicalApplications.
- * For Windows: Option to use Internet Explorer or
- (with restrictions) Mozilla to render HTML preview
- (including a new style sheet to control preview).
- See [Options HTML preview_export]#*Preview# renderer*
- * Option to set doctype for HTML preview/export.
- * Option to set background color of selected text.
- * Internal: Slightly better handling of databases without
- write access.
- * Further small changes in incremental search.
- * Bug fixed: External graphical apps didn't work if path
- to them contained space(s).
- Nov. 24, 2006 (1.8beta5, repository revision in "mbutscher" branch: 99)
- * Changed insertion syntax where value or appendices can
- be quoted to include arbitrary characters. See [Insertions].
- * Plugins for accessing MimeTeX, Ploticus and GraphViz
- applications via Insertions.
- See [ExternalGraphicalApplications].
- * Tags to mark text as suppressed (<< >>) are no longer shown
- in HTML preview/export
- * "Wiki Info" dialog to show some basic information about the
- current wiki. Rather empty at the moment.
- * New behavior and look of incremental search. May change again
- if users don't like it.
- * Renaming links to a page when renaming the page now only
- renames whole words.
- * Windows binary installer: .wiki file of WikidPadHelp are now
- always overwritten on updating.
- * Internal: Plugin type "InsertionByKey" created which registers
- special insertion keys to be handled by a plugin
- * Internal: Plugin type "Options" created which allows to
- register additional options (to be saved in config files) and
- to add related pages in the options dialog.
- Oct. 30, 2006 (1.8beta4, repository revision in "mbutscher" branch: 96)
- * Menu items and toolbar icons for zoom in/out also work for
- preview now.
- * Better page search. Search starts at cursor position or
- optional at beginning. Before wrapping search from page end
- to beginning, user is asked.
- * Bug fixed: Showing (more precisely searching) of words in
- subcategories of todos in tree did not work.
- * Bug fixed: Zooming preview didn't show up dynamically.
- Oct. 26, 2006 (1.8beta3, repository revision in "mbutscher" branch: 95)
- * List undefined pages (dead wiki links), also appropriate
- insertion added. See WikiMaintenance!finding_undefined_links,
- [Insertions]
- * Better alphabetical sort order for wiki words, todos,
- attributes in tree. See OptionsDialog#*Sort# order*
- * The order how wiki pages are ordered when printing or
- exporting the whole wiki or a subtree to a single HTML page
- is (hopefully) more logical. It is the same as the new
- "As Tree" order used in PageListDialog#"As# Tree" .
- * Option to generate a table of contents in tree or list form
- for HTML exports, see WikiExport#*Additional# options* ,
- [Options HTML preview_export]#*Table# of# contents*
- * Bug fixed: Detection of Linux OS failed due to a typo
- * Bug fixed: Pages were shown as parentless even if an alias
- of the page had a parent
- * Bug fixed: Opening a particular page on startup by mentioning
- the .wiki file on commandline did not work
- * Bug fixed: Special URLs containing $ couldn't be activated
- (further fixes may be necessary)
- * Bug fixed: Bad HTML code if first cell of a table row is empty
- and indented.
- Sep. 30, 2006 (1.8beta2, repository revision in "mbutscher" branch: 92)
- * Support for insertion of pages, relations (parents, children,
- ...) and saved searches. See [Insertions].
- * Support for placing and jumping to anchors in wiki pages.
- See [Anchors].
- * Setting of a few more shortcut keys possible in
- KeyBindings.py (continue search, auto complete, ...)
- * Fixed bug: Some problems with non-ascii pathes.
- * Fixed bug: No selection replacement on Win ME.
- * Fixed bug: Renaming of wiki word failed if link modification
- was wanted by the user or if page was not yet saved the
- first time.
- * Fixed bug: Opening a wiki page file instead of
- wiki configuration file failed.
- Aug. 30, 2006 (1.8beta1, repository revision in "mbutscher" branch: 89)
- Changes:
- * New database format! After updating a wiki it won't be
- readable anymore for older versions of WikidPad.
- * Updating of wiki databases to new versions is now done only
- after asking user.
- * New position for configuration files on Windows inside
- "Application Data\WikidPad" directory. You might have to move
- "WikidPad.config" file and ".WikidPadGlobals" directory from
- "Application Data" to the new location if updating from
- a previous version. Name of "Application Data" directory
- depends on OS language.
- * Cursor and scroll position are now saved between sessions.
- * Possibility to set size and alignment for image URLs.
- See UrlLinking#++# URL# Appendix
- * Functional pages for "camelcase blacklist". Words on this
- list are not shown as wiki links. See WordLinking
- * Option to automatically remove bullets and numbers which
- stand "lonely" on a line by pressing enter.
- See BulletedLists
- * Menu functions "Show Tree Control", "Show Toolbar" and
- "Stay on Top" moved to "View" menu
- * Preview now shows indented paragraphs correctly (or,
- at least, better)
- * Bug fixed: Wiki word aliases not shown as links on
- HTML export.
- * Bug fixed: Wrong URL creation mode when releasing/pressing
- SHIFT or CTRL during drag&drop operation.
- * Better handling of non Western-European languages on
- Win 98/ME
- Aug. 05, 2006 (1.7beta8, repository revision in "mbutscher" branch: 85)
- Changes:
- * Official support for multiple windows with same wiki in
- them, but only in the same process (therefore necessarily
- on the same machine and by the same user), you can use
- e.g. menu "View"->"Clone Window" for that. This function
- is not meant as collaborative multi-user support.
- * Option to handle new WikidPad windows by a single process
- (recommended if you want to open the same wiki in multiple
- windows).
- See OptionsDialog#*Single# process# per# user*
- * Better error handling if file access drops (e.g. accessing
- wiki db over a network). See WikiMaintenance#++# Reconnect
- * Option to minimize wiki if close button on frame is pressed.
- See OptionsDialog#*Minimize# on# close# button*
- Jul. 10, 2006 (1.7beta7, repository revision in "mbutscher" branch: 83)
- Changes:
- * "Fast search" text field in toolbar. See SearchingTheWiki
- * Error log file is now written in the same directory where
- configuration file "WikidPad.config" is, it has a new name
- ("WikidPad_Error.log" instead of "WikidPad.exe.log") and
- writes timestamps and version number for each new session
- where an error occurred.
- * More verbose messages/exceptions when executing
- scripts/evaluating expressions.
- * Optical changes in extension "referrals.py" (thanks to
- schnullibullihulli).
- * Menus slightly reorganized, some menu items are at other
- places and/or have another name.
- * Wiki specific option to set page title prefix
- (normally "++") for new wiki pages. This allows to freely
- choose the heading level.
- See OptionsDialog#*New# page# title# prefix*
- * Possibility to add (absolute) URL with file dialog (menu
- "Editor" -> "Add file URL").
- * Fixed exporter bugs: No newline after "Parents: ..." start
- line in HTML export, unnecessary newline after each item
- in bulleted/numbered list.
- * Bug fixed: "compact_sqlite" db backend lost creation date.
- * Help wiki is opened now in the same process so file suffix
- .wiki needs no longer to be associated with WikidPad to
- show help.
- * Internal: Different handling of clipboard copy which may
- fix a bug (or not).
- * Internal: Extension files are now loaded with universal
- newline support, so newline conversion for Linux shouldn't
- be necessary anymore.
- * Windows binary installer now supports installation for
- current user only (on NT-based systems) or for all users
- (if installing as administrator, you are asked how to
- install).
- Jun. 02, 2006 (1.7beta6, repository revision in "mbutscher" branch: 80)
- Changes:
- * Support for an additional "Views" tree which can be put at any
- side of main tree, also option to put main tree at any side of
- editor (layout change during session has bugs).
- See OptionsDialog#*Position# main# tree* .
- * Clipboard catcher: New option to insert at cursor.
- See ClipboardCatcher.
- * Option for showing line numbers in editor
- * If ++ title of page was unmodified since page creation, it is
- changed on page rename accordingly.
- See RenamingWikiWords#*Title# auto-rename*
- * Fixed bug: Upper case non-ascii letters were not found when
- opening a wiki word (e.g. "É" didn't find Éve).
- * HTML-tag \<pre> is now handled much better.
- * Changed controls in spell check dialog to circumvent problems
- with some languages on Win 98/ME
- * Fixed bug: No preview if newly created page wasn't saved first.
- * Fixed bug: No preview if page contains plain text only.
- * Fixed bug: WikidPad didn't work if date pattern for
- creation/modification date in status line created/contained
- non-ascii characters.
- * Fixed bug: double-escaped relative URLs (could be seen e.g. if
- path has spaces)
- * Fixed bug: Copying text to ScratchPad didn't work if copying
- from ScratchPad
- * Internal: "C:\Windows" is no longer used as configuration
- directory if all other possibilities fail.
- May 08, 2006 (1.7beta5, repository revision in "mbutscher" branch: 77)
- Changes:
- * Clipboard catcher (Windows only): Every piece of text added to
- the clipboard is also appended to a wiki page if the clipboard
- catcher is active. There is also an option to set some suffix
- after each caught piece of text from clipboard (by default, a
- newline is added). See ClipboardCatcher.
- * File storage introduced: Copy files into a subdirectory of the
- wiki within WikidPad. See FileStorage.
- * Options to choose text colors for editor. See
- OptionsDialog#*Plain# text# color* and following.
- * Control background and text color of HTML export (and partially
- for preview) by attributes (for wiki or page) or by options for
- the whole application.
- See [Options HTML preview_export]#+++# HTML# page# settings
- * If a wiki word node is clicked which is subnode of an attribute
- node, the particular attribute is selected as it worked already
- for todo items.
- * New menu item to hide/show toolbar.
- * New menu item to keep window always on top.
- * New options dialog consisting of multiple pages.
- * Simpler function for some standard dialogs for scripts.
- See [ApiDocs]#stdDialog
- * Changed method to find configuration directory, more suitable
- for WikidPad on USB-stick and more reliable. See WikidPadOnUSB
- and ApplicationConfigurationFiles.
- Bugs fixed:
- * Todo item part shows up twice in tree with same content if part
- is also right side of a todo entry. Now shows up only once.
- * Wrong cursor position after using bold or italic from
- menu/toolbar
- * "Show referring Wikis" in the "Plugins" menu didn't work
- * Exception when refreshing tree while "saved searches" node is
- expanded
- * Exception when trying to paste something non-textual from
- clipboard
- * Workaround for wxPython bug: Crash when showing colored menu
- items on Win 98/Me
- Apr. 21, 2006 (1.7beta4, repository revision in "mbutscher" branch: 74)
- Changes:
- * One or more of the characters .,;:!? can directly follow
- an URL and aren't counted as part of it. If you need such
- a character as last one in an URL, enclose the URL in brackets.
- * Attribute names can consist of all alphanumeric
- (unicode definition) characters.
- * Support for zoom in preview (with Ctrl-+, Ctrl-- and
- Ctrl-Mousewheel).
- * Better formatting of titles of newly created wiki pages
- (e.g. wikiword "URLViewer" now leads to title "++ URL Viewer"
- instead of "++ URLV iewer"
- * Bug fixed: Tree always visible on WikidPad start, even if
- made invisible before previous termination.
- * Bug fixed: Creation of new wikis didn't work
- * Bug fixed: Searches not saveable, saved searches not usable
- * Bug "reduced": Scroll position of page in editor not remembered
- properly. The fix may lead to some visible jumps: sometimes
- you will see the beginning of page for a short time before
- it jumps to the stored position. Moreover, even with the
- fix the stored position may be imprecise sometimes.
- Apr. 16, 2006 (1.7beta3, repository revision in "mbutscher" branch: 73)
- Changes:
- * Better alias support. E.g. pages linking to an alias of
- WikiWord are now listed as parents of this word.
- * Support for relative URLS with rel: protocol, see [UrlLinking]
- * Initial support for checking special attributes for validity
- (currently only "alias", "icon", "color", "bold") with an
- own "Log Window" for error messages, see [WikiDocumentAttributes].
- * Support for spell checking, see [SpellChecking].
- * Todo items can now be terminated with newline or |
- * On multiple attributes of same name on one page (e.g.
- multiple "icon" attributes) the last one is now preferred
- instead of the first one.
- * Bug fixed: Cursor position on a page is now stored for
- each page even if page is not modified and saved
- * Scroll position of editor is now stored (during session) as
- cursor position already is.
- * Scroll policy of editor modified to better handling
- * Bug fixed: Command line export didn't work because of wrong
- default additional options
- * Bug fixed: Gaps between paragraphs in editor when using some
- fonts (e.g. Verdana) and asynchronous highlighting.
- * Bug fixed: Tree not shown if set invisible and then made
- visible by dragging splitter sash.
- Mar. 24, 2006 (1.7beta2, repository revision in "mbutscher" branch: 70)
- Changes:
- * Importer/Exporter for new multipage text format (mpt).
- See ([WikiExport], [WikiImport], [Multipage text format])
- * Tree node context menu allows now also choice of color and
- icon of a node as well as appending or prepending of
- wiki words to a page.
- * Options to switch off automatic bullet/numbering creation
- and auto-indent (see [BulletedLists])
- * Introduced <\<pre >> block to create preformatted,
- monospaced text
- * Todo items (e.g. "\todo:", "\track:") can start after
- arbitrary text now, not only at the beginning of a line.
- This is currently experimental! It might be changed back
- if user have problems with this (see [TodoItems]).
- * Display of modification and creation date of page in status
- line (customizable date format, see [OptionsDialog])
- * Support for changing of file suffix of page files in the
- config file (not part of options GUI) (see [ChangeFileSuffix])
- * Uses now also environment variable "USERPROFILE" to find
- configuration directory
- * Bug fixed: page-wide "Replace All" could run in an endless
- loop (e.g. when replacing "e" by "ee").
- Mar. 09, 2006 (1.7beta1, repository revision in "mbutscher" branch: 63)
- *Warning*: This version has a new database format for
- "Compact Sqlite" databases. It is converted automatically
- when opening a wiki the first time. Making a backup beforehand
- is therefore recommended!
- Changes:
- * Introduced new db backend "Original Sqlite".
- See [WhereIsTheDataStored] and [MigrationBetweenDbTypes].
- * For "Set Date Format" dialog last 10 entries are remembered
- * Option to interpret image URLs for HTML preview and export
- either as images or as normal links (see [OptionsDialog])
- * Export dialog has checkbox to temporarily override this option
- setting.
- * Attribute \[pagetype: form] introduced to support special
- behavior of the editor for form-like pages. (see [FormPages])
- * Support for global.child_sort_order attribute.
- * Support for \[child_sort_order: natural] (but not really
- stable). See [WikiDocumentAttributes].
- * Presentation attributes (bold, color, icon) in todo entries
- used to format the entry in tree instead of the page.
- * See [WikiDocumentAttributes].
- * When trying to run a script, but script security doesn't
- allow to run scripts, a message box appears to explain.
- Fixed bugs:
- * No titled URLs/wiki words in tables
- * Invalid HTML anchors created
- * Exporting of raw .wiki files didn't work for
- "Original Gadfly" databases
- Feb. 24, 2006 (1.6beta4, repository revision in "mbutscher" branch: 60)
- Changes:
- * Commandline support for exporting (parts of) a wiki and
- deletion of personal configuration (see [CommandLineSupport])
- * Windows binary installer: Support for deleting config.
- files on uninstall
- * Support HTML tags in WikidPad
- * Support for wiki specific text blocks (see [TextBlocks])
- * Editing of text blocks files from within WikidPad as
- "functional pages", located under Views in tree
- * Editor font now changes instantly after saving page
- * Now at most one script is executed when pressing
- Ctrl-Number (search order: local page, imported scripts,
- global imported scripts page)
- * Better handling of property "camelCaseWordsEnabled" during
- database update/rebuild.
- * Gadfly database backend: Rebuild does no more loose
- creation and modification date of a page.
- Fixed bugs:
- * Crash on non-ascii characters in path to wiki database
- * Refresh of text blocks menu didn't work
- * When word in tree node had no children but got one after
- update, no '+' icon appeared after refresh.
- * Problems with wiki-wide search and page search
- * Jumping to wiki word didn't work if cursor and word were
- at end of page.
- Feb. 09, 2006 (1.6beta3, repository revision in "mbutscher" branch: 57)
- Changes:
- * 'global.import_scripts' property introduced (see
- [InlinePythonEval])
- * Security option to control if scripts should be executed
- and (global.)import_scripts property should be respected
- (see [InlinePythonEval])
- * 'template' property introduced to use content of one page
- as template for children of another page. (see
- [WikiDocumentAttributes]).
- * Hierarchical global presentation deduction: e.g. a property
- 'global.work.color' will be applied to pages containing
- 'work', "work.somewhere", "work.somewhere.else" ...
- properties, except there is e.g. a
- 'global.work.somewhere.else.color' property. This works for
- 'color', 'icon' and 'bold' properties which control the
- presentation of the tree nodes (see [WikiDocumentAttributes]).
- * Differential user_extensions: A file in "user_extensions"
- now only needs to contain the definitions which are
- different compared to the file in "extensions"
- * In configuration directory, a directory ".WikidPadGlobals"
- will be created if not existing
- * In ".WikidPadGlobals" a file "[TextBlocks].wiki" will be
- created if not existing. This file describes content of
- the "Editor"->"Text blocks" submenu and can be customized
- (see [TextBlocks]).
- * Bug in autoNew.py script fixed
- * Bug with renaming in "compact_sqlite" database fixed
- Jan. 25, 2006 (1.6beta2, repository revision in "mbutscher" branch: 55)
- *Warning*: This version has a new database format. It is converted
- automatically when opening a wiki the first time. Making a backup
- beforehand is therefore recommended!
- Changes:
- * No more brackets around wiki words in the "Open Wiki Word"
- and all other dialogs
- * Characters can be escaped with backslash and are then
- interpreted as normal text (see [TextFormatting])
- * New dialog to choose which pages to search for, to export
- or to print (see [PageListDialog], [Printing], [WikiExport],
- [SearchingTheWiki])
- * New options to control the auto save timing
- (see [OptionsDialog])
- * Some bugs fixed
- Jan. 13, 2006 (1.6beta1, repository revision in "mbutscher" branch: 53)
- Changes:
- * WikidPad and WikidPadCompact merged into one application
- (therefore the new version number) (see [DatabaseTypes])
- * In wiki-wide search cycling through found matching occurrences
- on a page with F3 or clicking on the little blue bar
- * Basic printing support (see [Printing])
- * Support for titled wiki words and URLs (e.g
- [http://www.somewhere.com/aaa/bbb |Somewhere]
- [ScratchPad |This text is shown in preview and HTML export] )
- The title of the link is not stored in the XML export!
- * Options to control timing behavior of syntax highlighter (see
- [OptionsDialog])
- * Option to set background color of text editor (works only
- partially)
- * Bug fixed: non camel-case words starting with camel-case word
- (e.g. [WikiWord with something]) incorrectly recognized in tree
- [ChangeLog2005]
- [ChangeLog2004]
- [ChangeLog2003]
- [bookmarked: true]
- [tree_position: 0]